Thursday, October 18, 2007

Help my band, win free stuff!

[Copied from bulletins/the band's blog]

Wotcher, Creative Wizards and Witches!
As you can probably see, we have the design for our Album's cover all finished, but the only problem is that WE DON'T KNOW WHAT TO CALL IT!! So, it's up to you, fair fans to name the album. Go check out the cover in the Posters/Logos/Album Art folder, and start brainstorming. You can send your entries to us by leaving us a comment, sending us a message, or talking to us on AIM (tonksntheaurors) or Skype (tonksandtheaurors). Duplicate entries will be determined by whoever suggested the title first. We will announce the winner Next week sometime in our blog, so stay tuned!

Werewolf nuzzles,
Tonks & the Aurors

YOU can enter at our myspace page HERE

Thursday, October 11, 2007

To prepare you for the tour...

The best television performance of the last 15 years:

Bruce & the E Street Band on Conan O'Brien in 2002 playing "Kitty's Back," a song off of one of Bruce's first studio albums that definitely doesn't get enough air time. Bruce has at least 3 outstanding guitar solos in the video (one in the first 30 seconds) and the band sounds amazing with the horns from the Max Weinberg 7 backing them up.

Definitely legendary.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Another Reason why I miss Bill Clinton...

“I have learned that building up women does not diminish men”
-Bill Clinton

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Our most distinguished alumnus...

This was in the display case in the Arthur Miller Theatre Lobby last weekend...
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I love my classmates.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Springsteen Update for 9/4/07

The video for the first single off of "Magic" was released through It's awesome to see the E Street Band back together, and the video just gets me even more excited for the album and reunion tour.

Watch the video here.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday 13 #30: Potter Pics

My Thirteen Favorite Pictures that I took at the Harry and the Potters Concert in Ann Arbor!

1. Draco & the Malfoys opening the show...
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2. Harry Potter 7th Year (Paul) during "Voldermort Can't Stop the Rock"
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3. HP7 with his party hat on because it was Harry Potter's Birthday!
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4. Harry Potter 4th Year (Joe) with the Library Sign
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5. HP7 breaking it down...
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6. HP4 demonstrating the new Hagrid song with dance moves!
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7. An awkward moment with Bill Weasley on drums during "The Weasle"
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8. HP4 rocking out during "The Weasle"
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9. HP4 letting loose
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10. The signature HP4 Mic Cord move
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11. I really just love this picture of Paul. Adorable.
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13. The Weapon We Have is Love!

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Want more from Harry and the Potters? Check out their Myspace

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Springsteen Update 8/22

Yesterday, Bruce Springsteen announced the release of his latest album titled "Magic".

"Magic" is a return to the more traditional "rocking" style of Springsteen music, according to Jon Landau. With this return, Springsteen also welcomes back the E Street Band as his band. Rumors previously claimed that this could be the Full E Street Band album and tour, due to Clarence Clemons' declining health. Fans have waited five years since "The Rising," the multi-platinum and grammy winning album that last featured the E Street Band.

If you want to hear what could be the last hoorah with "The Big Man" on sax, I would advise you to buy this album and fight to get some tickets to the inevitable tour with the E Street Band.

The album comes out October 2nd, and more information can be found at

Monday, August 06, 2007

Band to Look for...

So, there's this new Wizard Rock Band that's trying to tear up the nation, and I thought I'd give them a plug. Head over to their Myspace and hear their awesome demos!

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

An official announcement

Well, ladies and gentlemen of the internet, I can officially tell you that the worst movie of the summer is SPIDERMAN 3. Thank God I only paid $1.50 for it, because I feel bad for anyone who paid full price. What. a. stinker. Peter Parker turned into either some weird emo kid or Garth Brook's alter-ego Chris Gaines somewhere in the middle there.

Luckily I went with a friend and MAN did we snark up the joint. They might as well have taped us and made the entire experience into a Mystery Science Theatre 300 episode.

Tomorrow will make up for it though! Harry and the Potters at the Ann Arbor District Library! YES!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Getting Smarter!

Excited doesn't even begin to explain how I feel about this movie. See for yourself:

Get Smart has been my favorite TV show (of all time) since I was a very small child, and I think Steve Carell is brilliant, so this better be awesome.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Challenge

I've decided to stop biting my nails. Yes. After 11+ years of biting, I'm trying to stop. I stopped cold turkey for almost two weeks, which was amazing. I finally invested in a nail polish that tastes like poison and is supposed to nurse my nails back to health.

Why did I decide to finally stop being a misfit and kick the habit? Well, I was driving and noticed how small the nails on my ring fingers actually were. Nothing motivates my ass into action like fear. I had a small panic attack over the idea of never having a nail there again! While I'm sure this is a ways a way, actually reaching the day where no nail exists is a terrifying one.

I pray to God I can kick this habit. It's not a verves thing, it just comes down to the fact that I get bored, and when I'm bored I amuse myself by gnawing on my own digits. I can never have long nails because of needing to play guitar, but I just can't take being disgusted by my own hands anymore.

Oh, and good news on the music front: a church in Ypsilanti, MI may be hiring/using me to lead their Saturday evening masses. While I don't imagine leaving my current church any time soon, another music gig to add to the resume is good. Maybe it'll lead to bigger, better things? Bringing the progressive/alternative Catholic-Christian lifestyle to one church at a time.

I've got to remember to blog about Warped Tour next time. What a story...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thursday 13 #29: Harry AND THE Potters!

After another summer hiatus, here's a great Thursday 13 to make up for it! One of the best live bands ever is a band called HARRY AND THE POTTERS, the original Wizard Rock (WRock) band, and still the best. If you hadn't guessed it already, Harry and the Potters play songs only about Harry Potter and even dress as Harry Potter. The two brothers play Harry Potter 4th Year and Harry Potter 7th Year, who met during a night of time travelling and decided to form a band together. Check out their albums, which are now available on iTunes! So without further ado...

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13 of my favorite Harry and the Potters songs

1. Dumbledore
Written after Dumbledore's death in book 6, the song can make me cry.
"You were the best we ever had (you were the best)/I wish we could have shared more together/But now you're off on your next adventure/DUMBLEDORE WE WILL FIGHT FOR YOU TONIGHT!...Your love is keeping us alive!"

2. Save Ginny Weasley
The song that helped start the movement!
"We've got to save Ginny Weasley from the Basalisk!/We've got to save our school from that unseen horror!"

3. Save Ginny Weasley from Dean Thomas
"My Wizard Scar still burns for you..."

4. Fred & George
A great stuttering rock song that is so punk and so catchy
"So what's your deal? Are you a prankster? Or are you just looking for some skivving snack boxes to get you out of class?

5. Dumbledore's Army
"Oh my god you look like a frog/Oh my god you look like a frog/Umbridge you're going down, Umbridge you're going down"

6. Platform 9 3/4
"The bus don't run to Hogwarts/You have to take the train/We'll take the train from platform 9 and 3/4

7. We save Ron's life (part 8)
A really funny song about all the times Harry and Hermione save Ron's life

8. Phoenix Song
One of the best produced Harry and the Potters songs, and it's got a gorgeous intro. Just go download it!
"Put your wand in your hand!/Put love in your heart!/Get your friends by your side!/And tear evil apart!"

.9. I am a Wizard
I think you get what this is about, right?

10. Song for the Death Eaters
"You're running scared/You run and hide/your hearts have nothing warm inside"

11. The Weapon
And there's one thing that I've got/One thing that you've got inside you, too/One thing that we've got/And the one thing we've got is enough/To save us all/The weapon we have is love"

12. The Human Hosepipe
"I'd rather not talk about your dead ex-boyfriend over coffee...Cho Chang, what have I done?"

13. Cornelius Fudge is an ass
"Do you wanna go back to the way we were?/And do you wanna stay how we used to be?/And do you wanna pretend that the Dark Lord didn't come back?"

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I've been saying it for 6 years...

Avril Lavigne sucks, is not punk rock, and now she's a theif...

I hope the Rubinoos take her down.

What do you think?


I've been watching Fox's HELL'S KITCHEN since it's first season 2 summers ago. I'm obsessed. Here's some reason's why:

!. A Waffle House short-order cook can make it to the final 5

2. Gordon Ramsay is a very attractive British man

3. The challenges and punishments for the losing team are awesome. Diving through trash, cleaning fish...awesome.

4. It's the only place where you can hear a man yell "DONKEY!!" at another person and it's hilarious

5. Ramsay will yell at restaurant patrons. For real.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Thursday 13 #28: What I've been up to...

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13 Things I’ve been up to since you last saw me…

1. Stage Managing a Sketch Comedy Show!
At the University of Michigan, Orientation is a huge deal. The program has all the usual walking tours, question and answer sessions, etc…but the best part is the Sketch comedy show that the Freshmen get to see on their first night in Ann Arbor. I’m stage managing/tech directing the show this summer, and it’s been keeping me super busy, but it’s also been a blast.

2. Spring Classes
On top of everything I’ve been working on I’m attending 2 classes 3 days a week. It’s difficult to keep up with all of the material, but at least the classes are interesting!

3. Jimmy Pardo
Imagine my delight when I found out my favorite stand up comedian was performing for a weekend in Royal Oak! Well, I rounded up a couple friends and we made a night of it, and it was totally worth it. Jimmy performed amazingly and even autographed a CD for me.

4. Movies
Summer time means that I finally have the money to rent and attend movies! I’ve been a regular at Blockbuster lately, and I’ve seen quite a few movies. Favorite rentals: A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, The Godfather of Green Bay, Music & Lyrics. Favorite in theatres: Disturbia, 28 Weeks Later, Knocked Up

5. A Bad Axe Gig!
My church band got asked to play a baccalaureate mass in Bad Axe, MI…which is approximately 3 hours away from Plymouth. The band drove up the Saturday before, set up, rehearsed, had a meal together, and then played the mass the next day. Spending time with the LifeTeen band is one of my favorite things to do, so I had a great time in Bad Axe. And considering what a small town it was, they loved our music!

6. Home Depot
As the Technical Director of a show, I spent a lot of time at Home Depot a few weeks back. I love home depot, but it’s a frustrating place for me to be. None of the workers wait on me because they don’t think they’ll get a sale out of me, and all of the patrons hit on me because I’m a woman in the middle of the boys club! Now, if any of these men weren’t 10-20 years older than me, I wouldn’t mind. But they’re not.

7. Board Games
I’ve become obsessed with board games. My friends come over, and I immediately want to play DVD Clue or Apples 2 Apples or Pop-O-Matic Trouble. It’s awesome.

8. Fountain Dwelling
So, there’s this fountain in front of the Michigan League, and at Freshman Orientation you walk through it as a right of passage. My roommate and I, being Upper Classmen and tired of Frisbee decided to take a frolic in the fountain once again before I graduate.

9. Frisbee
Yes, I suck at Frisbee. BUT I have a light up one, so people tolerate my suckage to play with my awesome toy. There’s nothing better than a late night game of glow frisbee

10. Music
In the same way I have money for movies in the summer, I have money for music again! Here’s some music I’m loving for summer: Oh What a World by Rufus Wainwright, Ludo’s self titled album, Dustin Kensrue’s album Please Come Home, Warren Zevon’s songs Lawyers, Guns, and Money and Keep Me In Your Heart

11. Tigers Game
I went to a Detroit Tigers game during Memorial Day weekend. Unfortunately it was during a losing streak, but I still had a ton of fun at Comerica park with all of my friends.

12. Family
I’ve seen my family a lot lately, especially the extended family since my Grandmother had her surgery. It’s nice to see them all again, since I’m always so busy during the school year. I’m making lots of plans for the summer/fall to have family come hang out or visit me!

13. Painting
I’ve started painting some canvases to give as gifts to friends and relatives. Here’s a rose I painted for my grandmother after her knee replacement surgery. I’m so happy with how it turned out.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #27: Lyrics

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Thirteen song lyrics I love.

1. Jack's Mannequuin- Bruised
I lace my Chucks, I walk the aisle/I take my pills, the babies cry/All I hear is what's playing through/The in-flight radio/Now every word of every song/I ever heard that made me wanna stay/Is what's playing through/The in-flight radio

2. Tally Hall-Greener
Wherever you are/Is breaking my heart/Don't leave it alone/Don't leave it alone/You fit just right/Right next to me

3. Rent-Finale B
Women sing: "The hand gropes, the ear hears, the pulse beats/Life goes on, but I'm gone/Cause I die without you/I DIE WITHOUT YOU"
Men Sing: There's only now, there's only here/give in to love or live in fear/no other path, no other way/NO DAY BUT TODAY"

4. Bruce Springsteen- Jungleland
Outside the streets on fire in a real death waltz/Between flesh and whats fantasy and the poets down here/Dont write nothing at all, they just stand back and let it all be/And in the quick of the night they reach for their moment/And try to make an honest stand but they wind up wounded, not even dead/Tonight in jungleland

5. The Beatles-Blackbird
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see/All your life/You were only waiting for this moment to be free/Blackbird fly, Blackbird fly/Into the light of the dark black night.

6. Dashboard Confessional-This Ruined Puzzle
But I’ve hidden a note/it’s pressed between pages/that you've marked to find your way back/It says Does he ever get the girl?

7. Elton John-Ticking
Oh they pleaded to your sanity for the sake of those inside
"Throw out your gun, walk out slow just keep your hands held high"
But they pumped you full of rifle shells as you stepped out the door
Oh you danced in death like a marionette on the vengeance of the law

8. Ludo-Save Our City
(This is one of 5 songs from a mini-rock opera)
O'er the Mayor's ruined head, the boy steps the window/and cries out from the ledge to the people below:
"There's a time to pray, and there's a time to fight.
Anything can be a weapon, if you're holding it right.
Defend what is yours, they will not take our souls.
It's time to rise, and fight!"

9.Elvis Costello-Radio Radio
You either shut up or get cut up/they don't wanna hear about it/It's only inches on the reel-to-reel/And the radio is in the hands of such a lot of fools/tryin' to anaesthetise the way that you feel

10. Harry & the Potters-Human Hosepipe
well maybe I shouldn't have mentioned hermione/and maybe you shouldn't have brought up cedric diggory/because I'd rather not talk about your dead ex-boyfriends over coffee...Cho Chang, what have I done?

11. Patty Griffin-Long Ride Home
Headlights searching down the driveway/The house is dark as it can be/I go inside and all is silent/It seems as empty as the inside of me
I've had some time to think about you/And watch the sun set like a stone/I've had some time to think about you

12. Ted Leo & The Pharmacists- Me & Mia
(two faves from this one!)
a. "Do you believe in something beautiful? Then get up and be it!"
b. "Not doctors, nor your mom and dad, but me and Mia, Ann and Ana/Know how hard you try. Don't you see it in my eyes?/Sick to death of my dependence, fighting food to find transcendence/Fighting to survive, more dead but more alive

13. U2-Sometimes You Can't Make it On Your Own
(two from this one too)
a. "We fight all the time/You and I...that's alright/We're the same soul/I don't need...I don't need to hear you say/That if we weren't so alike/You'd like me a whole lot more
b. "Can - you - hear - me - when - I -/Sing, you're the reason I sing/You're the reason why the opera is in me"

I Could probably do another 13 if I wanted to!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Music Obsession of the Week:

Rufus Wainwright's version of the latin "Agnus Dei"

I've become intrigued with how many classical and catholic mass pieces are being reworked by contemporary artists. First, with Sufjan Steven's "Holy, Holy, Holy" and now Rufus Wainwright's version of this Agnus Dei. Rufus is hauntingly gorgeous on this song. He's approached it as some a protest song, begging god to forgive us our sins. Take a listen.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #26: Summer!

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Thirteen things I'm looking forward to this summer!

1. Living in the City
I will be right in the heart of Ann Arbor all summer, and I'm completely excited for it! Those big sales at urban outfitters during the art fair? You better believe I'll be there from day 1!

2. Detroit Tigers!
Another run for the world series is coming our way, I hope to catch a few games this summer.

3. Sleep
No more early morning production meetings! Unless I'm getting up to make some money, I won't be waking up early.

4. Harry Potter
This summer is a Harry Potter-palooza, with the final book and the movie being released. I'm more than excited for all of the big events.

5. UMetc
I'm stage managing the sketch comedy show for the University of Michigan Educational Theatre Company this summer. The show is performed at every orientation session, and each incoming freshman will get to see it. How good is that going to look on my grad school application? Very. 32 Performances is a little daunting though, right?

Another Summer, another High School Alumni production to stage manage. This year, it's GREASE. Should be quite an adventure!

7. Concerts
Last year was a crazy summer for concerts, and I only missed a few, so hopefully this summer also turns out to be a great summer of tours!

8. Interesting Summer Classes
I always take summer classes that are super interesting, and this year I'm taking Shakespeare with the greatest professor of all time, and a Cultural Anthropology class about the Linguistics of Religious Language.

9. The Ann Arbor Art Fair
The Ann Arbor Art Fair is one of the most famous things about Ann Arbor in the summer time. Most of the city shuts down and is taken over by artists and artisans from around the world. Now that I'll be only a block away from the action, I can only imagine how fun it's going to be!

10. Summer Fest
Movies at dusk in front of the Graduate building. Concerts on the diag. World class musicians on the University mainstage. These are just a few of the awesome things that the Summer Festival presents every summer, and most of the events are FREE!

11. Hunting for Graduate Schools
This summer I'll be beating the pavement and the internet to hunt down the perfect Theatre Education/Theatre for the Young Grad program for me. I've already gotten in contact with two schools, so hopefully this will be a very successful summer for me.

12. Visiting the Lake
I grew up on a lake my entire life, and now that my mom is planning on purchasing a speed boat...I'll probably spend quite a few weekends back home. Plus, I'll need to hang out with the two siblings, and my dog!

13.Makin' Money
For the first time EVER I'm getting paid to stage manage, so add that to my church job, and a day job I'll be acquiring soon, hopefully I'll have a nice chunk of change saved for the fall!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #25: On the Look Out (Movies)

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13 Movies I'm Looking Foreward to from May-September
I don't trust some of the release dates I found for these movies, but I'm positive all are coming soon, and I'm psyched!

1. Across the Universe
(September 28)
I saw the trailer for this movie on sunday, and I'm pretty sure that this will be one of the best movies of 2007. If I could only see 1 of the movies on this entire list, it would be this one.

2. 28 Weeks Later
(Coming out May 11)
Yes, I like zombie movies. The trailer for this movie is pretty awesome too, so I'm excited to see how it turns out.

3. ShowBussiness: The Road to Broadway
(May 11)
From Over the course of one Broadway musical season, "ShowBusiness" follows the four high-profile productions that would eventually become Tony nominees for Best Musical: a big-noise musical named "Wicked," the Rosie O'Donnell/Boy George collaboration, "Taboo," the much-anticipated Tony Kushner musical, "Caroline, or Change," and an irreverent puppet show named "Avenue Q."

4. Live Free or Die Hard
(June 27)
I fell in love with the Die Hard franchise a few years ago, and it's still a favorite of mine. So, of course I can't wait for the newest installment!

5. Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix
(July 13)
Who ISN'T looking forward to the newest Harry Potter movie? Of course I'll be seeing this one!

6. Hairspray
(July 20)
I will admit that I'm pretty disappointed with some of the casting choices in the film...(Zach Ephron? Seriously? He didn't even actually sing in High School Musical...and really, did he act?)...but I'll probably still catch it just to see how it translated back to the screen.

7. Under Dog!
(August 3)
"Never Fear, Underdog is here!" I was in love with Underdog as a child, so I'm pumped for a big screen version. And I'm intrigued to see how the whole live-action thing works.

8. Stardust
(August 10)
The trailer for this movie makes it look like an awesome blockbuster. Too many stars to name are in this, and it looks visually incredible!

9. Fanboys
(August 17)
From "The movie follows four "Star Wars" fanboys from the Midwest who drive across the country to honor the wish of their dying friend: to see the yet-unreleased "Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace" in its most optimal setting, George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch."

10. The Wristcutters
(August 31)
From "From the moment Zia (Patrick Fugit) cuts his wrists and enters a bizarre afterlife reserved for suicides, this film becomes a strangely uplifting, darkly comic tale about a journey through the hereafter. This is a world where everyone still bears the scars earned from the manner in which they "offed" while the everyday reality is a twisted mirror image of our own mortal world."

11. The Nanny Diaries
(September 7)
The best selling book is moving to the big screen with Scarlett Johanssen as the star. I enjoy Scarlett's work, and the book was pretty good, so hopefully this film version works out as well as the Devil Wears Prada did.

12. The Savages
(September 7)
Wendy Savage (Laura Linney) is a self medicating struggling East Village playwright, AKA a temp who spends her days applying for grants and stealing office supplies, dating her very married neighbor. Jon Savage (Philip Seymour Hoffman) is an obsessive compulsive college professor writing obscure books on even more obscure subjects in Buffalo who still can’t commit to his girlfriend after four years even though her cooking brings him tears of joy. Then, out of the blue, comes the call that changes everything – the call that informs them that their father ... Lenny Savage (Philip Bosco), has lost his marbles. And there is no one to help him but his kids. Wendy and Jon are forced to live together under one roof for the first time since childhood, soon rediscovering the eccentricities that drove each other crazy.

13. Evan Almighty
(June 22)
I would watch Steve Carrell read the manual to my dvd player, I love him so much, so I'll definitely be watching Evan Almighty

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #24: The DO WORK playlist

Ok, I'm back! I survived TOMMY, and finals, so here's my first Thursday Thirteen of THE SUMMER!

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Thirteen Songs off of my playlist entitled "DO WORK, SON!" which I listened to while studying/writing papers this year during finals.

1. Chicago-Sufjan Stevens
Off of the Illinois album, and featured heavily in Little Miss Sunshine this song has a really calming effect on me, and is a really great song to work to since it's not distracting.

2. Indoor Fireworks-Elvis Costello
Elvis' voice is like velvet on this song, LOVE IT.

3. Counting Down the Hours-Ted Leo & the Pharmacists
The definition of finals week this spring!

4. The Song of Purple Summer-The Spring Awakening Broadway Cast Recording
This song oozes summer out of every note, and I can't wait to listen to it some night as the sunsets. It's on the list to remind me of what I'm working toward.

5. The Animal Song-Savage Garden
So...this is a huge guilty pleasure for me, I'll admit it. Savage Garden produces some great pop tunes.

6. A Day in the Life-The Beatles (Love Remixes)
I was apprehensive when I was told Cirque du Solei remixed the beatles to creat their show LOVE, but I was very pleasantly surprised. This album is amazing!

7. A Case of You
As the facebook group puts it: "Joni Mitchell is a F***ing Baller" and I will listen to her until the day I die.

8. Nan, You're a Window Shopper-Lily Allen
I can't get enough of Brit "hip-pop" I like to call it. Lily Allen rocks out on this track with her dry wit.

9. North Country Girl-Pete Townshend
I love Pete's voice, and his guitar playing. This song is gorgeous.

10. Lost in the Supermarket-The Clash
Joe Strummer is my homeboy.

11. Racing in the Streets-Bruce Springsteen (Live Bootleg)
This song is so beautiful that I have to stop all my work and just take time to listen to the lyrics when it comes on.

12. Head Over Heels-Tears for Fears
Yessssss 80s music!

13. I'm Not Alright (Acoustic)-Sanctus Real
I didn't think christian alt-rock could be this hauntingly beautiful.

And the 2006/2007 school year comes to a close. (I don't think my mom has realized it yet...but I'm officially a senior here at the University of Michigan!)

Monday, April 23, 2007

"Called it"

My name is Cosmic Kid, and I'm a movie "caller".

I made this realization tonight, while watching the movie Fracture, starring Anthony Hopkins and Ryan Gosling. An hour into the film I knew how it was going to end. I never said anything out loud, however, it drove me crazy for the rest of the film. What bothered me the most about figuring this movie out so early was that I definitely enjoyed the entire movie, and thought it was very well made, but I guessed it so early.

This is not the first time this has happened, either. The Prestige: 45 Minutes. Disturbia: 30 Minutes. And these are just the recent occurances, and both are movies that I really liked! I'm starting to think I've just seen too many movies. Have I hit my film peak? I mean, I am only twenty years old!

...maybe I'm just procrastinating so that I avoid writing the paper, the take home final, and the research project I have due this week. That's probably it.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #23: Opening Night

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In honor of the opening night of the show I am Asst. Stage Managing this weekend, here are...
13 things to know about the opening and running a show!

1. Everyone is happy because there are no more early morning production meetings
Most shows have regular production meetings, and UMich likes to have them between 9am & 11am. Tommy was blessed with 9am meetings, which after rehearsals that went until 11:30, is early.

2. Never say "good luck"
In every performance circle, the big G.L. is actually bad luck. For theatre say "break a leg" and for opera say "Toi Toi Toi!" (I still have no idea what Toi means)

3. The Cast is usually well behaved
Between nerves and wanting to perform a good show, most casts are quiet back stage and nice to everyone.

4. People get to see the show!
After 5 weeks of rehearsals, bad moods, late nights, and hard work, friends and family finally get to see what you've created such a fuss about. (And hopefully they're impressed)

5. It gets easier!
Rehearsals, Techs, and Dress Rehearsals are frenzied, but usually things get easier during the run of a show. The crew has finally learned the show, so most things become routine. With a long running show everything can become long as no disasters happen.

6. Something always goes wrong
I love problem solving, so waiting for that one thing to go wrong and having to trouble shoot around it is a challenge I look foreward to.

7. Stage Blacks
My wardrobe is distilled down to 4 things during performances: Black shoes, black pants, black Tshirt, and a black hooded sweatshirt. THis makes getting dressed a lot easier in the morning.

8. No Foot Wrestling
On Saturday's rehearsal the crew was so bored that they actually foot wrestled backstage. Now they barely have enough time to sit down!

9. The Orchestra Arrives
With musicals, opera, or theatre featuring compositions, once the musicians arrive beautiful things happen to a show. I always love when full orchestrations are added, since the show really comes alive once they're all there.

10. Never mention the "scottish play"
Another huge no-no once a show has moved into the theatre is ever mentioning Shakespeare's "scottish play," M*cB*th.

11. "Thanks"
Once the actors have moved past the insanity of moving into the theatre, then adding costumes, they start to notice all of the hard work the Stage Managers and crew members are doing, and start saying thanks. It's nice to finally reach this point, since all the hard work is being rewarded.

12. Costumes rock
Whether the show is a period piece or modern, costumes are always an awesome addition to complete the world of the production. Love them!

13. Cast Party!
It's finally time to celebrate all of the work you've done!

Here's to a successful opening night of The Who's TOMMY here at UMich!