Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thursday 13 #29: Harry AND THE Potters!

After another summer hiatus, here's a great Thursday 13 to make up for it! One of the best live bands ever is a band called HARRY AND THE POTTERS, the original Wizard Rock (WRock) band, and still the best. If you hadn't guessed it already, Harry and the Potters play songs only about Harry Potter and even dress as Harry Potter. The two brothers play Harry Potter 4th Year and Harry Potter 7th Year, who met during a night of time travelling and decided to form a band together. Check out their albums, which are now available on iTunes! So without further ado...

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13 of my favorite Harry and the Potters songs

1. Dumbledore
Written after Dumbledore's death in book 6, the song can make me cry.
"You were the best we ever had (you were the best)/I wish we could have shared more together/But now you're off on your next adventure/DUMBLEDORE WE WILL FIGHT FOR YOU TONIGHT!...Your love is keeping us alive!"

2. Save Ginny Weasley
The song that helped start the movement!
"We've got to save Ginny Weasley from the Basalisk!/We've got to save our school from that unseen horror!"

3. Save Ginny Weasley from Dean Thomas
"My Wizard Scar still burns for you..."

4. Fred & George
A great stuttering rock song that is so punk and so catchy
"So what's your deal? Are you a prankster? Or are you just looking for some skivving snack boxes to get you out of class?

5. Dumbledore's Army
"Oh my god you look like a frog/Oh my god you look like a frog/Umbridge you're going down, Umbridge you're going down"

6. Platform 9 3/4
"The bus don't run to Hogwarts/You have to take the train/We'll take the train from platform 9 and 3/4

7. We save Ron's life (part 8)
A really funny song about all the times Harry and Hermione save Ron's life

8. Phoenix Song
One of the best produced Harry and the Potters songs, and it's got a gorgeous intro. Just go download it!
"Put your wand in your hand!/Put love in your heart!/Get your friends by your side!/And tear evil apart!"

.9. I am a Wizard
I think you get what this is about, right?

10. Song for the Death Eaters
"You're running scared/You run and hide/your hearts have nothing warm inside"

11. The Weapon
And there's one thing that I've got/One thing that you've got inside you, too/One thing that we've got/And the one thing we've got is enough/To save us all/The weapon we have is love"

12. The Human Hosepipe
"I'd rather not talk about your dead ex-boyfriend over coffee...Cho Chang, what have I done?"

13. Cornelius Fudge is an ass
"Do you wanna go back to the way we were?/And do you wanna stay how we used to be?/And do you wanna pretend that the Dark Lord didn't come back?"

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