Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Broadway for Everyone

I'm going to give everyone here a big tip right now, so listen up.

If you buy one musical soundtrack this year, make it SPRING AWAKENING.
If you find yourself in New York and can only see one show, see SPRING AWAKENING.
If you think you don't like musicals, watch the video I've posted below, or at least listen to only the music. I promise, this is an amazing show.
Music by Duncan Shiek....sure, his solo career hasn't been amazing, but this is some very well written music. Give it a try.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #14: Pet Peeves

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Thirteen Pet Peeves that I have....

1. People who chew with their mouths open/chew loudly
When I'm sitting across from you, I don't want to see what's in your mouth. When I'm sitting next to you, I don't want to hear every sloppy gloppy piece of whatever you're chewing. (Loud foods like chips and nuts excluded, but if I can hear you chewing soup, STOP!

2. Bad Time Management
Am I seriously the only person who understands this concept?

3. Unreliable people who don't understand why you're frustrated with them
Also falling into this catagory: Unreliable people who want you to trust them with big jobs.

4. Actors who don't appreciate the technical people/aspects of a show they're in
I quote an actor walking into rehearsals for 24 Hour Theatre "I don't understand why they [The Lighting Designers/Techs] are always messing with the lights...it always looks the same..." Little did he know, but there were no lights in the studio less than 24 hours ago. The techs had to take all the lights down, re-hang, re-wire, and re-focus the entire plot in approximately 12 hours...or there wouldn't have been a 24 Hour Theatre.

5. Techs who don't respect actors.
There are a lot of really talented people out there, and we need to work together to produce good theatre. People will only sit through a few Light Shows in their lifetime.

6. People moving the thermostat
65 Degrees is the temperature we can afford...so stop moving it! $400 DTE bills are getting annoying!

7. Single-Issue voters
Around election time, I get pretty worked up about this. Don't base your entire voting on one issue, educate yourself!

8. Heelys in public places
I'm sure they're fun. I can bet that if I was 12 I'd want a pair, but letting your kid run rampant in a packed mall with them is unsafe. Around the holidays at the mall in Florida, I almost got hit 4 times!

9. People who listen to only show tunes
Now, I love some musicals, and I listen to them fairly often....but how anyone could listen to ONLY showtunes, is beyond me. There's so much good music that has been produced for hundreds of years, to ignore it is awful. I might even say that someone who pigeon-holes themself into only one genre of music, no matter what genre, is wrong!

10. Talking loudly in class
If you have to talk, whisper! I don't need to hear about how you were "soooooo wasted" last weekend, or about that rash you have and don't know who/what/where you got it.

11. PC users bashing Macs, when they've obviously never used one...
for an extended period of time. I'm sorry, but Macs make sense. Want to burn stuff onto a CD? put the CD in, drag the files onto the icon, and click burn. On a PC you have to have burning software. Once the software loads, you have to sort through menus to get to your files. Click the files, then after a few more hoops you're ready to burn. I'll pass. Macs aren't the devil. Sit with one for a few hours, and you'll figure that out.

12. People who pass gas loudly and don't apologize
I have someone I know who is notorious for this. He/She is actually known for it among my friends since he/she tends to pass gas very very loudly while only a few people around, and never even acknowledges it! At least apologize! We know you did it!

13. Creep-tastic Myspace!
I have a Myspace...and I'm not a huge fan. There are so many creep-tastic people on there (men and women) and I can't deny their requests enough. I have denied some of these guys/girls upwards of 5 times and they still keep requesting me. On top of that, I receive random messages a lot too. It's just gross sometimes. I'll stick with Facebook.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Shout Out: David Bowie

I'm giving a shout out to David Bowie today for his awesome performance in The Prestige!

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Bowie plays Nikola Tesla, who helps Hugh Jackman's character develop a new magic trick. The role of Tesla is cool because he was a real scientist, and the role is written so that it shows what a bully Thomas Edison was to all other scientists who were inventing at the same time he was. Bowie is actually fairly impressive in this role, and I almost didn't recognize him at first. The film as a whole was awesome, so to have a gem like Bowie's cameo hidden in there is just an added bonus. If you need one reason to go see The Prestige, then David Bowie is it.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #13: Movies

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Thirteen Movies that Changed the Way I Looked at Films

1. City Lights
This is by far my favorite chaplin film. The entire blending of comedy and selfless love as the tramp does everything he can to help the blind girl pay for the operation, is brilliant. And then, an ending that just breaks your heart the way only Chaplin can. This movie truly defined craftsmanship as a film through plot, shots, and editing...and it was made 30+ years before most of the films on this list!

2. Star Wars (OT)
I saw the entire Star Wars Original Trilogy when they were re-released into theatres in the 90s completely remasterd. I immediately fell in love with (through my studies I've come to call) this brilliant Space-Western. George Lucas leads you along on the edge of your seat as you follow the farm boy, the princess, and the cowboy all over the galaxy. I still get excited watching the original trilogy! (Those other 3 movies Lucas just made?...well, lets just say I choose to ignore 80% of what happened there)

3. Shampoo
I really enjoy Warren Beatty as an actor, and my freshman year at Michigan I watched Shampoo for my film history class. I think that this film is the first one to truly break my heart more than City Lights did. The entire movie is set up as a wonderful romantic comedy, and by the end you really want things to turn out right for Beatty's character, but the plot has better ideas. After viewing Shampoo I was a little angry, I'd felt robbed of a great romantic comedy, but really it was all still there. The ending isn't what defines a great RomCom, it's the soul of the movie, the content, the jokes, and the believablity of the characters. I think RomComs are failing as a Genre now because they've lost a lot of their soul and believability.

4. Annie Hall
I could have filled this entire list with Woody Allen's work. As a writer/director, he's had a huge effect on me, and it's hard to pick just one movie to include on this list. I think Annie Hall truly encapsulates everything I love about Woody's work. It contains two deliciously flawed individuals trying to love eachother eventhough the drive eachother crazy. In the end, I always root for them to be together...because who else could they end up with? So many scenes shine in the film, and it all works so perfectly.

5. The Godfather
I & II are brilliant, III is....well, it's Godfather III. The Godfather is a cinematic masterpiece, and it still amazes me. I read a draft of the screenplay this past summer, and even on paper, the movie is riveting. I get chills from some of the dialogue, and I'm entertained by how many people don't know the fun fact that the horse head was actually real! No other crime drama will ever live up to this film, but I also think the genre of family-relationship dramas has been forever changed too. No other "black-sheep coming into his own" story has ever compared to that of Michael's.

6.Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
My favorite "Buddy Film" ever! Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer are brilliant as a con-man and a gay-PI trying to solve a crime, and almost failing. A great script gives both of these actors great material to work with, and the plot puts them through the ringer. If you haven't seen it yet--GO GET IT. It was my favorite film of 2005.

7. Harold & Maude
Where to begin with Harold & Maude? This film made me think twice about every other teen relatioship movie I'd seen. Harold is one of the most brilliant characters ever in film, with his suicide "attempts" every 5 minutes, and his hearse-porche hybrid, it's non-stop brilliance. His relationship with Maude is heart warming and disturbing, but makes sense in some way. As an audience member, you end up rooting for Harold a lot, and so his happiness around Maude is welcomed, and Maude's death is great cinema.

8. The Company
Robert Altman was a truly brilliant man, and this film is awesome. Neve Campbell wrote and developed the film herself, and her performance is great, both acting and dancing. The cinematography and choreography work together to make a gorgeous product. What I really love is how conflict is not forced upon the audience. The simple conflicts of the dance world, the relationship world, and the job world are beautiful, while the threat of injury (temporary or permanent) is always hanging over the dancers' head.

9. When Harry Met Sally
The friends-turned-lovers comedy has never been the same since When Harry Met Sally was released, the same has been true for how I approach this genre ever since I saw "WHMS". There are too many moments to meantion, but I will say that it has forever changed how I say "Pecan Pie."

10. The Producers
Let's just say I was more than a little obsessed with The Producers in high school. I loved this movie way before the musical was even rumored to be in pre-production. I stumbled upon the film during a Mel Brooks movie marathon one day. I've always been a fan of "Get Smart" so my dad reccomended the Producers, and I've been addicted ever since. Gene Wilder completely redefined the perfect character actor for me after watching this film.

11. Chaplin
This is the perfect Biopic by far. Robert Downey Jr. was definitely robbed of the Oscar in 1992, because his performance was superb. I was also impressed by how accurate most of the film was. Sure, there were some liberties taken with Chaplin's childhood, but it was quite impressive. Well done!

12. Singin' In the Rain
I was trying to think of another movie musical that truly changed the way I approached the genre, and it always came back to this one. The film even makes the best out of the lame tradition of a ballet sequence in classic musicals. With two great leads and a fabulous supporting cast I'm sure this movie could have survived even the worst of scripts...but luckily the book and the music are also wonderful.

13. Snakes on a Plane
Yeah, that's right, Snakes on a Plane had a profound effect on me. I've studied silent cinema for a long time, and a little known fact is that silent movie halls were far from silent, there was music, but the audience also participated. The audience would boo, cheer, clap, and yell whenever the plot called for it, and these Nickelodeons were a community event, a place where people came together and enjoyed themselves. No other movie have I seen in the theatre that recreated the Community Event experience than Snakes on a Plane. I had so much fun, and it truly made me reevaluate how I experience movie-going.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Life Lessons Learned in Wisconsin

My week in Wisconsin was eventful! The Michigan Theatre Dept. represented itself well, taking home an honorable meantion and the Gold in Stage Management, and honorable meantion in scenic design, and a spot as an alternate for Lighting Design.

Here's what I learned while in Wisconsin:

1. The Cheese Cake Factory makes INTENSE salads...

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(My roommate, Stephen, with his intense-garnish-salad)

2. A Chicken can hook up a sound system in under 5 minutes...

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(Taken during the Tech Olympics)

3. Wisconsin supposedly loves cows...but these were the only ones I could find!

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(The cows behind Kopp's Ice Cream Parlor)

4. I know who the first mayor of Milwaukee was...Juneau?

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(My friends standing with the mayor himself, Mr. Juneau.)

5. The old Pabst factory is the coolest looking complex of buildings ever...

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(The Pabst factory!)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Going BLUE in Wisconsin!

I'm in the land of hopes and CHEESE all week for the Kennedy Center's American College Theatre Festival for a friendly Stage Management competition.

First impressions:
1. There needs to be a tunnel connecting Michigan with Wisconsin. Seriously. A SIX hour drive? please.
2. There are a lot of annoying theatre people staying in our hotel. Hopefully they're not up late.
3. Free wireless internet in hotel rooms is awesome
4. People can't drive. This is just in general. Go back to class!
5. This is going to be an awesome weekend
6. University of Michigan Theatre RULES!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #12: Advice

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Thirteen things I would like the youth of today to know

1. Radio
There is more music than what you hear on the radio everyday, explore it.

2. Get involved with the arts!
Even if you can't draw a straight line with a ruler, or couldn't act to save your life, get involved with the arts! Whether you're making the art, or appreciating it, jump in with both feet. If you think art is boring--change it yourself, make something you think is awesome!

3. Classic Movies
School yourself, kids! Turner Classic Movies is amazing, and you should definitely learn who Carey Grant, Jimmy Stewart, Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn, are as soon as possible. (Photo from Bringing Up Baby

4. "Best" Friends
I've seen too many arguements in middle school, high school, and even college start over someone naming different people their "Best" Friend. Don't limit your friendships, value each friend the same as another.

5. "Punk Rawk"
Blink 182, Good Charlotte, Avril Lavigne, Sum 41, etc etc etc...are not punk rock. They're pop-rock. Do not assume that they are punk, just because they shop at Hot Topic.

6. The DaVinci Code
It's fiction. Using it as hard evidence for the Bible's inaccuracy is like using Spider-Man as a medical refrence on the effect of spider bites.

7. Older music doesn't suck
Classic rock, oldies, rockabilly, classical, they don't suck. There would be none of the music that's popular today without them. (Photo is of the Rockabilly band The Living End)

8. Appreciate your parents
Even if they drive you crazy, appreciate your parents, most are just trying to love you the best way they know how. If you take them for granted, you'll regret it later. As someone who lost a parent as a teenager, I know how precious time with your parents is.

9. Silent Movies
Silent movies are what started it all, and once you watch some, you can see where today's cinema came from. I love to see comedies now, and find all the gags that were recycled from the silent greats.

10. Take time for yourself
Going from school, to cell phone, to instant messenger and email, to text messaging can slowly overwhelm you. Be sure to give yourelf some time to relax without friends and distractions. Allow yourself to just sit and listen to music, read, exercise, or sleep.

11. Name Brands
Does paying $30 for a badly made Tshirt make absolutely no sense to only me? The latest trends are taken from the people who don't shop at Abercrombie or Hollister, so try shopping elsewhere.

12. Find a spirituality that works
You don't need to be "born again," however, find a religion that you identify with. Explore the great thinkers in religious thought, and make an informed decision. I'm catholic because I want to be, not because someone told me to, or because that's what my parents are. Having an uniformed religious life, is just as effective as an uniformed political life.

(Oops for forgetting #13!)
13. Sleep
Get some sleep! A lot of "attitude problems" could probably be solved with an extra hour of sleep or so during the school week. I always needed 8 hours in high school. Find what works for you, and try harder to meet your needs!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I'm giving a BIG Shout Out to my friend and author Colleen Gleason today!

Her book The Rest Falls Away is being released today, and I'm giving it a big &hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts! After finishing the book this weekend, I found it incredibly exciting, and definitely a page turner. Coming from me this is surprising for most people, since I tend to read comedic novels, and non-fiction, and this is a historical vampire serise. So, I'm proud to say that I think anyone can enjoy the book. Featuring a sassy female lead, and stellar plot, I was hooked from page one.

Go get your copy today!

Collen's official website is www.colleengleason.com, and she blogs at www.colleengleason.blogspot.com

Monday, January 01, 2007

Top 10 of 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen, here is my list of the top 10 things that happened (to me) in 2006

(These are in no particular order)

1. Stage Managed my first University of Michigan Mainstage production
I stage managed The Pajama Game and now I'm taking my work to the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival in two weeks! Exciting!

2. Moved out of my Parent's house
I'm all on my own in Ann Arbor in my big beautiful house!

3. Started working for OLGC Lifeteen band
Technically I started in November 2005, but 2006 was my first full year with Good Counsel. I love everday I go to work.

4. Life on the Road
OLGC sent me to Ohio for a Life on the Road conference. I learned a lot and had a great time working with and hearing from so many talented Catholic musicians.

5. Painted a Mural
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My blood, sweat, and tears went into this mural, and I love seeing it every week.

6. Asst. Stage Managed 3 operas
3 operas at once. Never before attempted by the University of Michigan...and never again. It was tough coordinating all 3 operas, while keeping 3 casts and a very thinly spread director at bay.

7. Worked for Steppingstone School as a camp counselor
It was fun working with kids all summer!

8. Learned how to skateboard
I've always wanted to, and now I can!

9. Became a member of the OLGC Lifeteen College Core
We ran the Lifeteen program all summer, planning life nights, meeting with teens, inventing games, hosting events, it was all in our hands. I made some really good friends through college core.

10. Harry and the Potters @ the Blind Pig
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One of the best concerts I've ever been to.

What's your top 10?