Thursday, January 04, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #12: Advice

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Thirteen things I would like the youth of today to know

1. Radio
There is more music than what you hear on the radio everyday, explore it.

2. Get involved with the arts!
Even if you can't draw a straight line with a ruler, or couldn't act to save your life, get involved with the arts! Whether you're making the art, or appreciating it, jump in with both feet. If you think art is boring--change it yourself, make something you think is awesome!

3. Classic Movies
School yourself, kids! Turner Classic Movies is amazing, and you should definitely learn who Carey Grant, Jimmy Stewart, Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn, are as soon as possible. (Photo from Bringing Up Baby

4. "Best" Friends
I've seen too many arguements in middle school, high school, and even college start over someone naming different people their "Best" Friend. Don't limit your friendships, value each friend the same as another.

5. "Punk Rawk"
Blink 182, Good Charlotte, Avril Lavigne, Sum 41, etc etc etc...are not punk rock. They're pop-rock. Do not assume that they are punk, just because they shop at Hot Topic.

6. The DaVinci Code
It's fiction. Using it as hard evidence for the Bible's inaccuracy is like using Spider-Man as a medical refrence on the effect of spider bites.

7. Older music doesn't suck
Classic rock, oldies, rockabilly, classical, they don't suck. There would be none of the music that's popular today without them. (Photo is of the Rockabilly band The Living End)

8. Appreciate your parents
Even if they drive you crazy, appreciate your parents, most are just trying to love you the best way they know how. If you take them for granted, you'll regret it later. As someone who lost a parent as a teenager, I know how precious time with your parents is.

9. Silent Movies
Silent movies are what started it all, and once you watch some, you can see where today's cinema came from. I love to see comedies now, and find all the gags that were recycled from the silent greats.

10. Take time for yourself
Going from school, to cell phone, to instant messenger and email, to text messaging can slowly overwhelm you. Be sure to give yourelf some time to relax without friends and distractions. Allow yourself to just sit and listen to music, read, exercise, or sleep.

11. Name Brands
Does paying $30 for a badly made Tshirt make absolutely no sense to only me? The latest trends are taken from the people who don't shop at Abercrombie or Hollister, so try shopping elsewhere.

12. Find a spirituality that works
You don't need to be "born again," however, find a religion that you identify with. Explore the great thinkers in religious thought, and make an informed decision. I'm catholic because I want to be, not because someone told me to, or because that's what my parents are. Having an uniformed religious life, is just as effective as an uniformed political life.

(Oops for forgetting #13!)
13. Sleep
Get some sleep! A lot of "attitude problems" could probably be solved with an extra hour of sleep or so during the school week. I always needed 8 hours in high school. Find what works for you, and try harder to meet your needs!


Anonymous said...

hear, hear!!! GREAT post!

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear! Especially to the rockabilly.

Rashenbo said...

Fantastic list... except for the silent movies... I don't like em :D

When I was in JR. High my mother wanted me to experience the older movies. Harvey, the Ghost and Mrs. Muir... Arsenic and Lace... How to Marry a Millionaire (ok, it's not really a classic, but it was "old" for me!) Harvey's my favorite.

I really enjoyed your list. Thank you for sharing.

Happy T13.

Scribbit said...

Oh I love classic movies: Charade, Roman Holiday, Some Like It Hot, Rear Window, I could go on and on. Grea list.

Raggedy said...

great list!
I love classic books and flicks
my list is up 2
Have a great Thursday!

Chickadee said...

I think you're right, these kids these days really don't have any "me" time with all of the activities they are involved in and the techonlogy.

And limiting yourself to a "best friend" is well...limiting. :)

My 13 are up.

John Holland said...

Great list. I agree with you about the bands that think they are punk rock. They don't know anything about punk rock.

My 13 is up.

Unknown said...

That´s a great list. I will try to introduce all the topics to my son when he grows up a bit (8 months now) =)

Happy New Year from Germany,


P.S.: Please visit my TT - Thanks a lot =)

Lisa said...

This is the best list I have seen in ages. I love it - except I only found 12 - you left me wanting!! I'm sure our skaterboy regrets the day he introduced us to limewire. We have now have access to all sorts of 'old' music that our kids have to listen too!! It's great.

Anonymous said...

If only we could get the youth to read this blog, or just read anything. Great post!

Angela/SciFiChick said...

Love classic movies.. those old black & whites. Wish made quality films like that.

N. Mallory said...

Awesome post!

I have got to agree about taking time for yourself. I always used to call it my "staring at the wall time" when I was a teenager. Now that I have a house with a big picture window, I call it bird-watching. :P

And I recently told my mother that I'll be eternally grateful to her for "making" me watch all those old movies on PBS when I was growing up. How else would I have an appreciation for all of those old actors who are icons? Or how would I be able to recognize when so-called modern movies are really rip-offs of great movie classics people have forgotten.