Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #14: Pet Peeves

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Thirteen Pet Peeves that I have....

1. People who chew with their mouths open/chew loudly
When I'm sitting across from you, I don't want to see what's in your mouth. When I'm sitting next to you, I don't want to hear every sloppy gloppy piece of whatever you're chewing. (Loud foods like chips and nuts excluded, but if I can hear you chewing soup, STOP!

2. Bad Time Management
Am I seriously the only person who understands this concept?

3. Unreliable people who don't understand why you're frustrated with them
Also falling into this catagory: Unreliable people who want you to trust them with big jobs.

4. Actors who don't appreciate the technical people/aspects of a show they're in
I quote an actor walking into rehearsals for 24 Hour Theatre "I don't understand why they [The Lighting Designers/Techs] are always messing with the lights...it always looks the same..." Little did he know, but there were no lights in the studio less than 24 hours ago. The techs had to take all the lights down, re-hang, re-wire, and re-focus the entire plot in approximately 12 hours...or there wouldn't have been a 24 Hour Theatre.

5. Techs who don't respect actors.
There are a lot of really talented people out there, and we need to work together to produce good theatre. People will only sit through a few Light Shows in their lifetime.

6. People moving the thermostat
65 Degrees is the temperature we can afford...so stop moving it! $400 DTE bills are getting annoying!

7. Single-Issue voters
Around election time, I get pretty worked up about this. Don't base your entire voting on one issue, educate yourself!

8. Heelys in public places
I'm sure they're fun. I can bet that if I was 12 I'd want a pair, but letting your kid run rampant in a packed mall with them is unsafe. Around the holidays at the mall in Florida, I almost got hit 4 times!

9. People who listen to only show tunes
Now, I love some musicals, and I listen to them fairly often....but how anyone could listen to ONLY showtunes, is beyond me. There's so much good music that has been produced for hundreds of years, to ignore it is awful. I might even say that someone who pigeon-holes themself into only one genre of music, no matter what genre, is wrong!

10. Talking loudly in class
If you have to talk, whisper! I don't need to hear about how you were "soooooo wasted" last weekend, or about that rash you have and don't know who/what/where you got it.

11. PC users bashing Macs, when they've obviously never used one...
for an extended period of time. I'm sorry, but Macs make sense. Want to burn stuff onto a CD? put the CD in, drag the files onto the icon, and click burn. On a PC you have to have burning software. Once the software loads, you have to sort through menus to get to your files. Click the files, then after a few more hoops you're ready to burn. I'll pass. Macs aren't the devil. Sit with one for a few hours, and you'll figure that out.

12. People who pass gas loudly and don't apologize
I have someone I know who is notorious for this. He/She is actually known for it among my friends since he/she tends to pass gas very very loudly while only a few people around, and never even acknowledges it! At least apologize! We know you did it!

13. Creep-tastic Myspace!
I have a Myspace...and I'm not a huge fan. There are so many creep-tastic people on there (men and women) and I can't deny their requests enough. I have denied some of these guys/girls upwards of 5 times and they still keep requesting me. On top of that, I receive random messages a lot too. It's just gross sometimes. I'll stick with Facebook.


Anonymous said...

I'm with ya on #1, I can't stand to see people eating with their mouths open...makes me gag! And the kids with the heelys..I hate those. Not safe at all. Great list.

My Tt is up also on my fav tv shows.

Anonymous said...

My husband would agree with you on #1. That is probably his biggest pet peeve of all time. I'm with you on #7. I understand that people have the right to vote on a single issue but it makes no sense to me. And are heelys those shoes that have the roller skate wheels in them? Those drive me crazy - every time I go to the mall it seems like I nearly get flattened by some kid wearing them who isn't looking where he is skating.

Anonymous said...

I with you on 1 and 3. I was going to do a list of things that annoy me, but I could not stop at 13.

-atomik kitten said...

I hate seeing Heelies in public places too. I am so worried that the kids wearing them are going to hurt themselves. Then the parents will sue.

Raggedy said...

I don't know what a Heely is?
Good list of Peeves!
My TT is posted.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy TT'ing!

Amy Jo said...

I will be your new best friend, because you love Macs.

Apple rules! LOL

Love your Thirteen. Mine is up at:

Lisa said...

Yep #1 gets my vote. Good list. Happy T13

My Busy Life said...

# 1 and # 12 all the way! I hate people chewing with their mouth open and come on, passing gas isn't funny or polite.