Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Thursday 13 #28: What I've been up to...

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13 Things I’ve been up to since you last saw me…

1. Stage Managing a Sketch Comedy Show!
At the University of Michigan, Orientation is a huge deal. The program has all the usual walking tours, question and answer sessions, etc…but the best part is the Sketch comedy show that the Freshmen get to see on their first night in Ann Arbor. I’m stage managing/tech directing the show this summer, and it’s been keeping me super busy, but it’s also been a blast.

2. Spring Classes
On top of everything I’ve been working on I’m attending 2 classes 3 days a week. It’s difficult to keep up with all of the material, but at least the classes are interesting!

3. Jimmy Pardo
Imagine my delight when I found out my favorite stand up comedian was performing for a weekend in Royal Oak! Well, I rounded up a couple friends and we made a night of it, and it was totally worth it. Jimmy performed amazingly and even autographed a CD for me.

4. Movies
Summer time means that I finally have the money to rent and attend movies! I’ve been a regular at Blockbuster lately, and I’ve seen quite a few movies. Favorite rentals: A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, The Godfather of Green Bay, Music & Lyrics. Favorite in theatres: Disturbia, 28 Weeks Later, Knocked Up

5. A Bad Axe Gig!
My church band got asked to play a baccalaureate mass in Bad Axe, MI…which is approximately 3 hours away from Plymouth. The band drove up the Saturday before, set up, rehearsed, had a meal together, and then played the mass the next day. Spending time with the LifeTeen band is one of my favorite things to do, so I had a great time in Bad Axe. And considering what a small town it was, they loved our music!

6. Home Depot
As the Technical Director of a show, I spent a lot of time at Home Depot a few weeks back. I love home depot, but it’s a frustrating place for me to be. None of the workers wait on me because they don’t think they’ll get a sale out of me, and all of the patrons hit on me because I’m a woman in the middle of the boys club! Now, if any of these men weren’t 10-20 years older than me, I wouldn’t mind. But they’re not.

7. Board Games
I’ve become obsessed with board games. My friends come over, and I immediately want to play DVD Clue or Apples 2 Apples or Pop-O-Matic Trouble. It’s awesome.

8. Fountain Dwelling
So, there’s this fountain in front of the Michigan League, and at Freshman Orientation you walk through it as a right of passage. My roommate and I, being Upper Classmen and tired of Frisbee decided to take a frolic in the fountain once again before I graduate.

9. Frisbee
Yes, I suck at Frisbee. BUT I have a light up one, so people tolerate my suckage to play with my awesome toy. There’s nothing better than a late night game of glow frisbee

10. Music
In the same way I have money for movies in the summer, I have money for music again! Here’s some music I’m loving for summer: Oh What a World by Rufus Wainwright, Ludo’s self titled album, Dustin Kensrue’s album Please Come Home, Warren Zevon’s songs Lawyers, Guns, and Money and Keep Me In Your Heart

11. Tigers Game
I went to a Detroit Tigers game during Memorial Day weekend. Unfortunately it was during a losing streak, but I still had a ton of fun at Comerica park with all of my friends.

12. Family
I’ve seen my family a lot lately, especially the extended family since my Grandmother had her surgery. It’s nice to see them all again, since I’m always so busy during the school year. I’m making lots of plans for the summer/fall to have family come hang out or visit me!

13. Painting
I’ve started painting some canvases to give as gifts to friends and relatives. Here’s a rose I painted for my grandmother after her knee replacement surgery. I’m so happy with how it turned out.


Crimson Wife said...

Beautiful rose picture!

BTW my cousin is an alumnus of U of M-Ann Arbor & he loved the school :-)

Anonymous said...

Kewl list!

Anonymous said...

Nice pics!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Tigers? We like cats of all kinds!

We like yer painting too :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your having a great time! The painting is beautiful! Happy TT!

pussreboots said...

You've been busy. Happy TT.