Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #26: Summer!

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Thirteen things I'm looking forward to this summer!

1. Living in the City
I will be right in the heart of Ann Arbor all summer, and I'm completely excited for it! Those big sales at urban outfitters during the art fair? You better believe I'll be there from day 1!

2. Detroit Tigers!
Another run for the world series is coming our way, I hope to catch a few games this summer.

3. Sleep
No more early morning production meetings! Unless I'm getting up to make some money, I won't be waking up early.

4. Harry Potter
This summer is a Harry Potter-palooza, with the final book and the movie being released. I'm more than excited for all of the big events.

5. UMetc
I'm stage managing the sketch comedy show for the University of Michigan Educational Theatre Company this summer. The show is performed at every orientation session, and each incoming freshman will get to see it. How good is that going to look on my grad school application? Very. 32 Performances is a little daunting though, right?

Another Summer, another High School Alumni production to stage manage. This year, it's GREASE. Should be quite an adventure!

7. Concerts
Last year was a crazy summer for concerts, and I only missed a few, so hopefully this summer also turns out to be a great summer of tours!

8. Interesting Summer Classes
I always take summer classes that are super interesting, and this year I'm taking Shakespeare with the greatest professor of all time, and a Cultural Anthropology class about the Linguistics of Religious Language.

9. The Ann Arbor Art Fair
The Ann Arbor Art Fair is one of the most famous things about Ann Arbor in the summer time. Most of the city shuts down and is taken over by artists and artisans from around the world. Now that I'll be only a block away from the action, I can only imagine how fun it's going to be!

10. Summer Fest
Movies at dusk in front of the Graduate building. Concerts on the diag. World class musicians on the University mainstage. These are just a few of the awesome things that the Summer Festival presents every summer, and most of the events are FREE!

11. Hunting for Graduate Schools
This summer I'll be beating the pavement and the internet to hunt down the perfect Theatre Education/Theatre for the Young Grad program for me. I've already gotten in contact with two schools, so hopefully this will be a very successful summer for me.

12. Visiting the Lake
I grew up on a lake my entire life, and now that my mom is planning on purchasing a speed boat...I'll probably spend quite a few weekends back home. Plus, I'll need to hang out with the two siblings, and my dog!

13.Makin' Money
For the first time EVER I'm getting paid to stage manage, so add that to my church job, and a day job I'll be acquiring soon, hopefully I'll have a nice chunk of change saved for the fall!


Joan said...

32 performances if more than slightly daunting! My TT is also posted.

pussreboots said...

Sounds like you have a lot of fun stuff planned this summer.

Barbara said...

Sounds like a summer of both fun and work.

My TT is up.

Marie said...

wow!!! it's going to be a fun summer for you!!! it'll be a blast!! great T13 list this week!!!

My Shoes said...

sounds like a busy summer!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Sounds like you have a great summer planned! Have fun and good luck with all of it. :)

JAM said...

Hope you have a great summer. Your dog is a cutie, my younger brother has one that looks much the same, named Chester.

Good luck on finding a grad school.