Thursday, October 19, 2006

THURSDAY 13: Books

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Thirteen Random Books from my
To-Be-Read (TBR) Pile

1. Janet Evanovich-Motor Mouth

2. Stuart Woods-Short Straw

3. DC Talk-Jesus Freaks MARTYRS

4. Fundamentals of Play Directing
-This is actually my text book for directing class. I have yet to read a single page from it! haha!

5. Acting, the First 6 Lessons
-Another text book for directing---I'm not an actor, so why read it...and we went over it page by page in class, so...

6. Kyle Smith-Love Monkey
-Loved the TV show, so I figured why not?

7. Kenneth S. Lynn- Chaplin, and His Times
I believe this is my....8th Chaplin biography?

8. Julia Solis- New York Underground
The pictures look gorgeous

9. Caroline Archer Paris Underground
Read part of it for a design class. Gorgeous photos from the tunnels beneath Paris.

10. Tim Cockey- Backstabber
He cracks me up.

11. Franklin Bruno-Elvis Costello's Armed Forces (33 1/3 series)

12. Dave Marsh- Bruce Springsteen On Tour

13. The Message//Remix
-This is actually the bible, translated into modern english. I've read chunks of it, but not all, so I don't know how to feel about it.


Colleen Gleason said...

Elvis Costello has a book? Where? I love him.

I haven't read any of Janet E's non-Stephanie Plum books, so let me know how it is when you get to it.

And I know I haven't brought the tee I was going to bring to your mom's office...hopefully today!

Take care and have fun with all your free time now that the show's done. ;-)

The Cosmic Kid said...

Colleen-The book is actually about the making of the album Armed Forces. The 33 1/3 books are all like that, and I've heard good things. Graeme Thompson's biography of him is supposed to be pretty good though. I'd love for him to write an autobiography though, since I think he's hilarious and his life is really interesting.

Elvis and Diana Krall are expecting twins in December, so maybe after that he'll write one!