Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day

Can we discuss that I forgot it was Valentine's Day today? I saw a sign for a rose sale in the North Campus Union, and I thought it was odd...until I realized it was Valentine's Day. Without a significant other, I tend to be completely oblivious to these events. Oh, well!

I'm not one to mope on V-Day, so I'm not one of the many people who cry about "SINGLES AWARENESS DAY", and I'm not super smushy, so I don't celebrate outlandishly. Apathy. That's what it is. I'm 20 years old, my day will come. I do miss the annual handing-out of cheap character valentines every year though. Who doesn't love that?

Anyway, what did I get for Valentine's Day? I found the entire leaked album of Ted Leo's Living with the Living, and that's quite wonderful. Actually, it's amazing. I'm in love with this album. Buy it when it comes out in March!! Definitely early-Elvis Costello influenced, which is what I love most.

I will say that the one thing I will miss after V-Day is Esspresso Royale's Sweetheart Latte. Carmel and Cinnamon, who would have thought?

So, what I'm trying to say with this long, rambling, pointless post is... Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

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